Mentoring took place in Poland
On August 4, 2023, the Polish partner to the DEMETRA project has organized the F2F mentoring session when the mentors and mentees met, found out about the project, learned about their roles and exchanged contacts. Mentors will support the mentees in towards increasing their participation in agripreneurship, but also regarding entrepreneurship in Poland. Based on the enormous experience of the mentors, on the one hand on supporting adults in labour market activation, on the other supporting start-ups and people from rural areas in receiving governmental support to engage in business activities, and also supporting students and graduates from the Department of Enterprise Management at the top university in Rzeszow, the amount of information they can share is uncountable. Mentors and mentees continued the mentoring scheme through the organization of individual online sessions, and until the end of September 2023.
Participants have also been introduced to the DEMETRA all-encompassing platform. Senior Project Manager from CWEP, Joanna Bać, showed how to navigate through the platform, initiated a discussion on the importance of the topics tackled and explained how to access it, so participants could self-explore it, followed by self-paced learning and evaluation.